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Road To First Class

Road to First Class (RTFC) is Troop 494's customized, structured, and dedicated advancement program geared toward newer Scouts of the troop. We help guide Scouts through camping-oriented skills from the ranks of Scout through First Class. By combining the knowledge of trained adult leaders, as well as youth troop guides and troop instructors, we are able to combine advancement with fun and rewarding learning experiences for our Scouts!

If you have any questions regarding our advancement program, please feel free to reach out to any of our Road to First Class coordinators below.


Guided, Hands-On Skill Instruction:
Scouting's Teaching EDGE

All of our skill instruction employs Scouting's teaching EDGE:

  • Explain the skill being taught to the Scouts.

  • Demonstrate the skill so that the Scouts understand how they will eventually practice it on their own.

  • Guide Scouts through practicing the skill until they become proficient.

  • Enable Scouts to perform the skill on their own and teach it to others going forward.


A Complete & Tailored Advancement Program

Our Road to First Class program covers rank advancement requirements across a number of topics, including:

  • Aquatics.

  • Community service.

  • Cooking.

  • Environmental stewardship.

  • First aid.

  • Knots & lashing (pioneering).

  • Navigation & orienteering.

  • Physical fitness.

We understand that many youth also take part in extracurricular activities outside of Scouting, so we tailor our program to be able to work around sports schedules or other events. When necessary, we are capable of meeting outside designated troop meeting times in order to keep Scouts on track with their advancement. Scouts have the ability to advance at their own pace.

Advancement Opportunities Throughout the Year

Scouts in Troop 494 complete various rank advancement requirements throughout the year:

  • Most requirements are completed at our weekly troop meetings on Tuesday evenings (except the last Tuesday of each month).

  • We have a Scout Skills event that is held on average once per year, specifically geared toward Scouts currently in the Road to First Class program. Scouts complete many of the requirements for the early ranks of Scout and Tenderfoot.

  • Scouts can also complete both advancement requirements and merit badges during our annual summer camp week at Tomahawk Scout Reservation near Rice Lake, Wisconsin. Emphasis is placed on advancement toward the ranks of Second Class and First Class, in addition to two merit badge offerings.

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