Itasca State Park Campout
Who: All Scouts
What: Explore Itasca State Park and walk across the Mississippi Headwaters
When: Friday, June 14th - Sunday, June 16th
Where: Itasca State Park - Pine Ridge Campground - Pine & Poplar Loop - Campsites 243, 245, 249 & 250
Map - Itasca State Park
Map - Pine Ridge Campground
Cost: $90 per person - The $90 covers: the campsite, food, bike rental, state park vehicle passes, gas, etc.
Signup: Click on the Sign Up for Event button to the left. Cancellations after June 4th will be charged $90 unless you can find someone to take your place.
Items of Note:
1) We will be carpooling.
2) Everyone attending needs to expect to share a tent (~2 per tent)
3) Max participant limit for this trip is 24 people.
4) Everyone should bring money for lunch on the ride home Sunday.
5) Check the weather forecast to see how cold it might get and pack accordingly.
7) Youth will sleep in troop tents. Adults may supply their own or use a troop tent.
Departure: Otter Lake Elementary on Friday, June 15th at 6:00 AM.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the 6:00 AM departure time.
EAT breakfast before arriving.
Wear Class A uniform with a Class B underneath for traveling
Returning: Sunday by 6:00 pm - Parents will need to pick up their scout from Otter Lake Elementary.
Sign-up: On the online sign-up sheet. Cancellations after June 15th will be charged $90 unless you can find someone to take your place.
Scouts / Adults Should Bring:
Complete change of clothes and extra socks
3 underwear
1-2 pair pants
2-3 pair shorts (if weather appropriate)
3 shirts
Sweatshirt or jacket
Swimsuit & towel
Water shoes
Hat & gloves (if weather appropriate)
Closed toe shoes
Sleeping clothes
Sleeping bag & sleeping pad
Camp chair
Scout book
Mess kit, cup, knife, fork and spoon (plastic recommended)
Mesh bag with drawstring for holding/drying mess kit
Water bottle
Backpack or duffel bag
Plastic bag for wet clothes
Smellables (personal hygiene):
Soap and washcloth
Personal medication