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Popcorn Sale
Key Dates
September 17th - Popcorn sales information available at Troop meeting/Court of Honor.
Now - Scouts may sell online through Trail's End now!
September 20th - Scouts may begin selling popcorn door-to-door or at storefronts at 5 pm!
November 3rd - Sale Ends
November 4th (Monday) - Money Turn-in & return any "Show and Deliver" product. Please bring a copy of your order forms to turn in or enter everything into the Trails End app.
Only checks will be accepted – No cash. Have your parents write a check to Troop 494 if any of your customers paid in cash.
Your order will not be accepted unless it is paid in full.
Turn-in will be at the Baltzer House
If you are unable to make money turn-in, contact Jenny Koskie to make other arrangements.
November TBD - Popcorn will be ready for pickup and delivery.
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